

Hotel Name: Rox Royal Hotel

Category: 5 Stars

Pension Status: Ultra All Inclusive

Address: Yeni Mah. Şehit Polis Cemal Ilgaz Cad. No:8 07980 Kemer, Antalya

Telephone: +90242 814 68 00

Fax: +90242 814 68 29

Website: roxroyal.com

E-Mailinfo@roxroyal.com - sales@roxroyal.com - reservation@roxroyal.com

Area: Rox Royal Hotel: 45.000m² - Kuğulu Park: 45.000m²

Capacity: 428 rooms / 950 beds
140 Standard Rooms
89 Standard Sea View
94 Rox Comfort
76 Standard Family Rooms
3 Disabled Rooms
13 Family Room
4 Deluxe Rooms
8 Rox Garden

Languages: Turkish, German, English, Russian

Beach Type: Sand and pebble beach - Beach Band: 52m

Location: Antalya 45 km, Antalya Airport 60 km

Open Period: 12 Months

Credit Cards: Visacard, Mastercard, Eurocard

Electricity: 220 Volts

Pet: Not acceptable

Non-Smoking Section: According to the law on smoking, smoking is not allowed in indoor areas.

Meal: All accommodation starts with lunch and ends with breakfast.

Transportation: Taxi, minibus (24 hours / 7 days)

TV Channels: There are a total of 37 TV channels, including Turkish (17), German, Dutch, Russian, English, French, Belgian, Ukrainian, Fashion, Music, Sports and Info channels.

Guest relationships: The Guest Relations service is available between 08.00 and 00.00 in the morning.